“What we saw today was a violent insurgency and attempt to overthrow the legitimately elected government of the United States,” Meyers said. “As we were all watching these stunning scenes of violence and sedition and insurrection against our democracy, anxiously hoping for a restoration of calm and order, the president of the United States told the traitors and the mob, ‘We love you, you’re very special, I know how you feel.’”

Meyers continued, “The only way our democracy is going to survive this harrowing moment is if he’s immediately removed from office by either the cabinet or the Congress and prosecuted. Anything less is tacit permission to continue to use his office, and his influence after he leaves office, to foment sedition and dismantle democracy.” The “Late Night” host ended his message by saying anyone who backs Trump deserves the same consequences in the wake of the violent U.S. Capitol attack. As Meyers explained, “Multi-racial, pluralistic democracy is fragile and precious, and it requires our vigilant stewardship and protection. Anyone not willing to forward that project, with the fullness of their effort, must be shamed and disgraced and removed from office. And that must start immediately with Donald Trump.” Over on “The Late Show,” Stephen Colbert called the U.S. Capitol attack “horrifying day that will go down in U.S. history,” although he stressed to his viewers that no one should have been surprised at the events that unfolded. “Have you had enough? After five years of coddling this president’s fascist rhetoric, guess whose followers want to burn down the Reichstag?” Colbert said. “Who could have seen this coming? Everyone. This is the least surprising thing I’ve ever seen. For years now, people have been telling you cowards that if you let this President lie and lie over again and then join him in that lie and say he’s right when you know he’s not. There will be a terrible price to pay. But you just thought you’d never have to pay it too. I really do hope you’re enjoying those tax cuts and those judges, because they’re going to be busy throwing these idiots in jail.” Watch Meyers’ full monologue on the U.S. Capitol attack in the videos below.

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