The upcoming series stars Myha’la Herrold (“The Tattooed Heart”), Marisa Abela (“Cobra”), Harry Lawtey (“City of Tiny Lights”), David Jonsson (“Deep State”) and Nabhaan Rizwan (“Mogul Mowgli”) as “The Graduates” and Conor MacNeill (“Artemis Fowl”), Freya Mavor (“Skins”), Will Tudor (HBO’s “Game of Thrones”) and Ken Leung (HBO’s “High Maintenance”) as “Management.” Per HBO: “Industry” will offer an insider’s view of the blackbox of high finance through the eyes of an outsider, Harper Stern (Herrold), a talented young woman from upstate New York. The show will take aim at issues such as gender, race, and class in the workplace through the eyes of young graduates who are fueled by ambition, romance, and drugs, as they attempt to forge their own identities within the pressure cooker environment of Pierpoint & Co.’s trading floor. They were promised meritocracy, but hierarchy is king.
Harper’s drive intensifies as she finds herself surrounded by people born into privilege, like Yasmin (Abela) who, despite her background, faces her own challenges. Yasmin has had different expectations placed on her since childhood and is tired of being underestimated professionally. At Pierpoint, Harper and Yasmin need to prove their worth as professionals amongst their fellow grads. One of their peers is Robert (Lawtey), who joins the bank from a working-class background, believing it a true meritocracy where putting on a suit will help distance himself from his past. In contrast, Robert’s roommate Gus (Jonsson) was built for institutions like Pierpoint, having come from Eton and Oxford, and sees it as another tick on a checklist that will lead him straight to Downing Street. Doe-eyed Hari (Rizwan) has dreamt of working in banking his whole life, dresses like a modern “master of the universe” and is determined to succeed no matter the cost. “Industry” is created and executive produced by Mickey Down and Konrad Kay, while Jane Tranter, Lachlan MacKinnon, Ryan Rasmussen, David P. Davis, and Ben Irving also serve as executive producers. The series is co-executive produced by Ed Lilly and produced by Lee Thomas. Writers include Konrad Kay, Mickey Down, Sam H. Freeman, and Kate Verghese. “Industry” directors include Lena Dunham, Ed Lilly, Tinge Krishnan, and Mary Nighy. Check out the trailer for “Industry” below:
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